Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 4 - Mon 2.10/Wed 2.12

American women spend nearly 76% more than American men on clothing per year.

Week 4 - Mon 2.10/Wed 2.12
Class: DIAGNOSTIC; Presentation partner and topic assignments; Lecture—“Building a Better Multimedia Presentation: An Annotated Look,” “MLA Style 101”


Week 5 - Mon 2.17/Wed 2.19
Read: eR—“Why Churches are the Gold Standard of Tax-Exempt Organizations” (Forbes), “A Case for Why Churches Shouldn’t be Taxed” (Colorado Springs Independent), “Why Don't Churches Pay Taxes?” (Los Angeles Times), “We Should be Taxing Churches” (Slate), "Televangelists" (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver), "Churches and Taxes: What John Oliver Got Wrong (and Right)" (American Magazine)
Class: Reading discussion; Lecture—“Inside the Toulmin Method” and “Citing Sources in MLA: The Basics”

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