Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Toulmin Model: Should Churches Pay Taxes?

For the past 30 years, a debate has raged over the whether or not churches in the United States should pay federal, state, and local taxes. Proponents often argue that churches do many good works, including attending to the needs of the less fortunate in society. Meanwhile, opponents point to the massive financial reserves and real estate holdings of many churches, all of which is tax-free. What do you think? Should churches’ tax-exempt status remain or must they assume tax liabilities, like everyone else?

For this assignment, you will utilize the Toulmin Model to construct a rhetorically-sound claim for or against churches paying taxes. You will construct ONE claim that will be supported by TWO distinct sets of grounds, warrants, backings, etc.

  • Include a Works Cited below your Toulmin Model
  • Utilize at least three sources: Two articles from the eReader AND one source from your own research.

    Use THIS template to present your model in outline form.

    • Works cited 

    Due: Wed 2.6

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