Also, to get a sense of what your own wedding might cost, feel free to try this Wedding Cost Calculator.
Include at least two of the following pieces in your discussion:
- "Why are Weddings So Damn Expensive" (Vox)
- "More Couples are Taking on Debt to Have Instagram-worthy Weddings. Here's How Much it Costs to get Married in the US" (Business Insider)
- "There’s Actually a Good Reason Why Weddings Cost So Damn Much" (HufPost)
- "Twenty-five Women Share Who Paid for What at Their Weddings" (Refinery29)
- "I Canceled My Wedding Because I Would Rather Have the Money" (Glamour)
- "Guest at a Wedding? Here's How Much Attending it Costs You (USA Today)
- MLA Style
- Approximately 300 words
- Works cited
Due: Wed 2.5
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